The purpose of this regulation is to determine the principles and terms for scholarships and social aids to be provided to support the education and training of successful young people in need of financial support in line with the Foundation’s main regulation and the provisions thereof.
1.1. Scholarships Granted Using the Borusan Kocabıyık Foundation Resources: These scholarships are granted under the principles determined by the Board of Directors by using the resources of the Foundation. The types of these scholarships are:
1.1.a. University Scholarship: This scholarship is granted to successful students in need of financial support who are enrolled in formal education programs at universities with an allocated scholarship quota under the principles determined by the Board of Directors.
1.1.b. Vocational High School Scholarship: This scholarship is granted to successful students in need of financial support, who are enrolled in Borusan Asım Kocabıyık Technical and Industrial Vocational High School. The recipients are selected by the Scholarship Commission consisting of the principals and teachers of Borusan Asım Kocabıyık Technical and Industrial Vocational High School.
1.1.c. Borusan Music Scholarship: This scholarship is granted to successful students in need of financial support, who are enrolled in master’s degree programs under the principles determined by a jury consisting of leading names in the field.
1.2. Scholarships Granted Using Outside Resources: These scholarships are granted using “Conditional Scholarship Donations” made by real and legal persons or institutions other than the resources of the Foundation according to the donor’s request. The types of these scholarships are:
1.2.a. Scholarships for Identified Scholars: These scholarships are granted to students who are identified by the conditional donor.
1.2.b. Special Scholarships: These scholarships are granted to students who are identified by the Kocabıyık family members to be covered from the funds created by the Kocabıyık family members at the Foundation.
2.1. The following rules apply to scholarships granted using the resources of the Foundation.
2.1.a. In order to benefit from a scholarship, it is required to be enrolled as a full-time student in an educational institution in Turkey.
2.1.b. The quota, scope and terms of the scholarships and the qualifications to be sought in the students shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
2.1.c. Scholarship requests from individuals and organizations shall be evaluated by taking into account the principles determined by the Board of Directors.
2.1.d. Scholarships shall be provided to students with a Turkish nationality, who study in Turkey.
2.1.e. Applicants must be under the age of 26 to benefit from the scholarship.
2.1.f. In order to benefit from the University Scholarship, the student must be successful and in need of financial support.
2.1.g. Students who receive scholarships in the form of monthly cash aid from other sources cannot be awarded scholarships by the Foundation (except for the education loan from the Credit and Dormitories Institution and the scholarships given to students with a disability above 40% as well as Municipal and/or Alumni Association support scholarships, provided that it does not exceed the maximum monthly amount to be determined by the Foundation each year).
2.1.h. Scholarships are non-refundable and do not impose a compulsory service or reimbursement obligation on the student.
2.2. The distribution of scholarships within the scope of “Conditional Scholarship Donations” made by real or legal persons or institutions other than the resources of the Borusan Kocabıyık Foundation shall be finalized as per the request of the donor.
3.1. The amount to be allocated for scholarships shall be determined by the Board of Directors each year and is included in the budget.
3.2. Each year, the Board of Directors shall determine the universities and the relevant faculties which will have a scholarship quota as well as the quotas and the amount of scholarship.
3.3. The announcement regarding the scholarship applications shall be published on the Foundation’s website, at the universities with an allocated scholarship quota and, if necessary, in newspapers, following the announcement of the results of the Higher Education Institutions Examination (YKS).
4.1. New Scholarship Holders:
4.1.a. New scholarship candidates will complete and submit the required documents within the announced dates and apply via the online application channel stated in the scholarship announcement.
4.1.b. The online application channel scores the students who meet the conditions and notifies the scholarship candidates to the Borusan Kocabıyık Foundation. Said notification includes candidates’ name, surname, university entrance examination (YKS) score, e-mail address, bank information, etc.
4.2. Previous Scholarship Holders: The Foundation keeps a file for each student in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK). Said file includes the payments made as well as the success and general status of the student. In order for the students’ educational status to be monitored properly, all scholarship holders are required to submit information and documents indicating their status to the Foundation in a timely manner.
5.1. Monthly cash payments for university scholarships shall be made for 12 (twelve) months between October and September.
5.2. Monthly cash payments for high school scholarships shall be made for 9 (nine) months between October and June.
5.3. Payments shall be made to students who complete course registration for the relevant semester and who meet the conditions for maintaining scholarships set forth in this regulation and after the student submits the necessary documents to the Foundation.
5.4. Payments to be made to the student shall be transferred to the student’s bank account by the Financial Affairs Unit in the first week of each month.
6.1. In the preparatory class, the scholarship period is maximum 1 (one) academic year (2 semesters).
6.2. The scholarship period shall start from the start date of the scholarship and continues for the normal education period of the program in which the scholarship holder is enrolled.
6.3. In the event that the student takes a semester leave, the scholarship shall be suspended, but the scholarship shall be reinstated upon the notification, by the university, of the enrollment of the student. In this case, the time spent on leave is not counted towards the normal education period.
6.4. The scholarship of students, who are entitled to be enrolled in the next class according to the regulation of the university where the student studies, shall continue the following year.
6.5. The scholarship of students, who transfer to another university with lateral transfer, shall continue “if the new university is one of the universities for which the Borusan Kocabıyık Foundation has allocated a quota”.
6.6. The scholarship of the students, who change a department within the same university with lateral transfer, shall continue.
6.7. The scholarship holders, who are enrolled to a domestic/international education program with a student exchange program run by the educational institution and who will receive a diploma from the university where said scholarship holders are enrolled during the formal education period, shall continue to receive their scholarships during their stay in Turkey or abroad, provided that the documents/information requested by the Foundation are submitted.
6.8. After the evaluation made by the Foundation Management, the scholarship of the scholarship holder who does a double major at his/her university continues for a maximum of one year.
In case of the occurrence of one and/or more of the following conditions, the scholarships of the scholarship holders shall be terminated:
Failing to have a GPA of at least 65 out of 100 and at least 2.50 out of 4.00 in the previous year and to prove this by submitting relevant documents during the scholarship period.
7.1. Failing to submit the information and documents requested by the Foundation management in a timely manner,
7.2. Repeating a class or semester,
7.3. Being dismissed from the university due to reasons such as disenrollment, graduation, etc. or changing the educational institution without the approval of the Foundation’s management,
7.4. Notifying to the Foundation that the scholarship holder has waived the right to receive scholarship,
7.5. Receiving scholarships in the form of monthly cash payments from sources other than Borusan Kocabıyık Foundation while receiving a scholarship from the Foundation (except for the education loan from the Credit and Dormitories Institution and the scholarships given to students with a disability above 40% as well as support scholarships such as Municipal and/or Alumni Association scholarships, provided that it does not exceed the maximum monthly amount to be determined by the Foundation each year.),
7.6. Being subject to a disciplinary action due to a disgraceful offense,
7.7. Being convicted,
7.8. Making false statements for any reason whatsoever,
7.9. Transferring to a university other than the universities and departments for which the Borusan Kocabıyık Foundation allocates scholarship quotas.
8.1. If the following conditions are met, the terminated scholarship shall be reinstated:
8.1.a. The scholarship holder reacquiring the right to attend school due to the termination of detention,
8.1.b. For those who fail a class or repeat a semester, moving up to a higher grade/semester in the next academic year/semester with a GPA set forth in Article 7 (excluding the students who have to repeat a period equal to two academic years without an excuse during their education).
8.2. The reinstatement of the scholarship payments due to the reasons stated in this article shall start from the beginning of the month following the date of receipt of the required information and documents by the Foundation, and no retroactive payments are made.
8.3. Scholarship holders with a scholarship terminated due to their cumulative GPA are re-evaluated by the Foundation Management in the next academic year, if said scholarship holders submit their applications within the application deadline determined by the Borusan Kocabıyık Foundation, taking into account the regulation and application principles.
The Board of Directors of the Borusan Kocabıyık Foundation Actions shall be authorized to carry out actions not covered by the Borusan Kocabıyık Foundation Scholarship Regulation.